mountain gorilla facts for kids

The occasional ferocious-looking, impressive displays are generally from a male gorilla protecting his family group from a threat. Half of this number lives in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. Gorilla Facts for Kids Gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees are listed as ‘African apes’. Also known as the Mountain Gorilla or the Eastern Lowland Gorilla, the Silverback Gorilla is a form of ape found in African mountain ranges. Question: How are people helping the gorillas? But many dedicated scientists, park rangers, and other concerned people are working hard to protect mountain gorillas, their forests, and their way of life in the mountains. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- After 8 ½ months of gestation, they normally give birth to a single baby. Gorillas can eat up to 50 pounds of food each day. With such a cold habitat, the mountain gorilla has special adaptations to help it survive in its environment. Mountain gorillas are native to the cloud forests of the Virunga Mountains. These animals are quite large, sometimes weighing up to 440 pounds and standing up to six feet tall. The Virunga Mountains are a mountain range, or group of mountains, in east-central Africa . Mountain gorillas wander around a home range of up to 15 square miles (39 square kilometers). Gorillas are like to eat roots, shoots, fruit, bark, and wild celery! How Strong Is A Mountain Gorilla. Hunters kill them for food or trophies. The heavier individuals may nest in grasses on the ground. Gorillas … The total population of mountain gorillas left in the world in estimated to be about 850. 1. Among all the Gorilla species, the Mountain Gorillas are slightly more stronger due to their size and weight. This happens when he is between 11 and 13 years old. 9-Mountain Gorillas are large and wild apes considered endangered. 2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Now, here are additional 18 interesting facts about Gorillas you didn’t know (with pictures): 1. Both genders have similar thick black hair covering their body. The population of Silverbacks are currently on a steady decline, and poachers are playing a major role in this. Here are some facts about them : It is huge and can rise to 4 to 6 feet in height. A cold can kill a mountain gorilla. Lesson Summary. Here’s 15 interesting facts … These animals are closely related to humans and can catch diseases from us, but they get much sicker. Their forests are chopped down for farmland, fuel, and housing. Mountain gorillas are large mammalsthat can be 4-6 feet tall and weigh as much as 485 pounds. Mountain gorillas are the biggest primates in the apes’ family found only in three countries of Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic republic of Congo. You may cut-and-paste the below MLA and APA citation examples: Declan, Tobin. " Easy Science for Kids. But researchers studying gorillas reveal a very different picture of mountain gorillas. After chimpanzees and bonobos , gorillas are the closest living relatives to humans. At night the animals make a nest to sleep in. Education about efficient farming practices can reduce the need for gorilla meat. Mountain gorillas wander around a home range of up to 15 square miles (39 square kilometers). 16 Jan 2021. Gorillas are the largest primate, with the tallest Silverback recorded at over 6ft 5in and heaviest at … Gorillas are the largest apes . The people living in the area endure many of the same problems as the mountain gorillas. Where Do mountain Gorillas Live Mountain Gorilla Habitat. An adult male gorilla is the size of a human, but three times as heavy (they weigh up to 600 pounds). All rights reserved. Mountain Gorilla Mountain gorillas are beautiful, peaceful animals, which live at high altitudes of 8,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. And we can use resources wisely and responsibly in our own corners of the world. In addition to its size, the mountain gorilla has longer fur than its other relatives. Largest of all the living primates, an adult male will stand five and a half feet tall, with an arm spread of about 8 feet. Movies often show gorillas as fierce creatures. Primates have large brains relative to their body size and are known for their high intelligence. They are adapted to places at such high altitudes because they have thicker fur compared to other primates, and have more of it. Here, people can help by donating time and money to agencies that help the gorillas. Easy Science for Kids, Jan 2021. < >. Eleven-year-old Addy is helping to save gorillas — and she needs your help!. You may have seen baby gorillas being carried on the back of their mothers, but for the first few months after birth the mother holds the baby gorilla to her chest. The lowland gorilla and the shaggy-coated mountain gorilla, which was only discovered in 1901. These animals have thick, thick fur to keep them warm. They nurse their baby for about 3 years. For a long time the image most people had of a gorilla encounter included chest pounding, roaring, charging, and big, bared teeth. Their food includes a variety of plants, along with a few insects and worms. The live high in the steep mountain forests of four different national parks in Africa in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Famous American Inventors (Top ten and their Inventions), How To Build a Winogradsky Column and Learn About Soil Science. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. They live in two isolated groupsMountain gorillas live in east-central Africa in just two isolated … There are two forms of gorilla. Long-lasting wars and violence have also impacted mountain gorillas. Lowland gorillas - rainforest up to about 8,000 ft. The mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) is one of the two subspecies of the eastern gorilla.It is listed as endangered by the IUCN as of 2018.. He's called a silverback because the hair on a male's back turns from black to silvery gray as he matures. Gorillas Are Not Strong Breeders. Similar to humans, gorilla mothers are pregnant for 8.5 months and tend to give birth to only one baby at a time. Gorilla Facts For Kids; Mountain Gorilla Short Story. A male weighs between 300 and 485 pounds A female may weigh up to 200 pounds Has thick truck Has longer arms in comparison to other apes – in fact arms are longer than the hind feet Has longer hair compared to … They span parts of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic … Babies snuggle with their mothers for the night. Silverback gorillas will fight to the death to protect the other members of their troops. High in the Virunga Mountains of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda live mountain gorillas. They are endangered, threatened by civil war in a small area of Africa where they live. To stay warm in the mountains, mountain gorillas have longer hair than their eastern lowland cousins, the Grauer's gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri). There are only about 700 mountain gorillas and they live high in the mountains in two protected parks in Africa. At the age of ten, female mountain gorillas are considered sexually mature and able to bear offspring. They eat leaves, berries, plants, fruits, flowers, shrubs, vines and sometimes small insects. Aside from the silver stripe on their backs, male mountain gorillas are distinguished from females because they have a crest of fur on their heads. Mountain gorillas are beautiful, peaceful animals, which live at high altitudes of 8,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. Watch videos about these animals, and learn about Dian Fossey, beloved scientist and protector of mountain gorillas. Sep 13, 2015 - Here are some of the most exciting gorilla facts for kids including real insights about the gorillas diet, habitat, reproduction, and behavior. Their thick hair keeps them warm in cold mountain temperatures. Amazing Facts About the Mountain Gorilla Mountain Gorillas got their name for a reason. Mountain gorillas grow 4 to 5 feet high and can weigh up to 440 pounds. Mountain gorillas bring tourists to the area, which can improve conditions for the people living there. Another group of mountain gorillas lives in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. In this article, we point out some of the facts about mountain gorillas that every traveler out to know. But they are actually peaceful and gentle animals. Fully-grown male mountain gorillas can weigh up to 180 kg (400 lb). Eastern lowland gorilla - eastern Zaire. Mountain gorilla - the Virunga volcanoes region in eastern Zaire, Rwanda and Uganda. Mountain Gorilla Facts for Kids ." Females weigh half that at about 90 kg ( 200 lb). Many travelers take gorilla safaris to these destinations in order to see the mountain gorillas in their natural wild. This learning video for kids is the classroom edition of our Gorillas for Kids video. They live at elevations of up to 8,000 to 13,000 feet (1,500m- 4000m). The Eastern lowland gorilla is the largest of the gorillas, with the biggest adult males being six feet tall when standing upright. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. They live in groups and take good care of their young. Retrieved from, Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved |. (2021). Many lightweight gorillas nest in trees, making beds of bent branches. We can read and learn about what’s happening in other places. A silverback's group normally includes a subadult male or two and a few females and their young. We invite you to learn more here about the mighty, charismatic, and whimsical animal that Dian Fossey introduced to the world and risked her life to save: the magnificent gorilla. These animals have thick, thick fur to keep them warm. Fun Facts About Gorillas Gorillas have hands and feet like humans including opposable thumbs and big toes. Life for mountain gorillas isn't all peaceful. Mountain gorillas spend much of their time eating. Gorillas display behavior that is very close to humans. Habitat: Mountain gorilla - rainforest between 9,000 and 12,000 ft. above sea-level. Another group of mountain gorillas lives in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. Aug 10, 2014 - Due to poaching, civil war, and habitat destruction in Africa, the mountain gorilla is the most endangered type of gorilla. Gorilla Facts for Kids Gorillas are herbivores meaning they don’t eat meat. Mountain Gorilla Facts for Kids. Know interesting facts about gorillas for kids.#kids #kidslearning #learningforkidsGorillas are the world’s largest primates. Learn more at Animal Fact Guide! Western lowland gorilla - West Africa and Congo basin. The animals are peaceful, gentle, social, and mainly vegetarian creatures. They often lack resources and food and experience violence. Fun facts about gorillas! 7-Food facts; Mountain Gorillas are mainly herbivores – they feed mostly on Bamboo forest, leaf plant, fruits and an Adult mountain Gorilla can feed to about 30kg a day. Some of the largest on record were close to 600 pounds.. Once thought to be just a myth, the more exotic looking Eastern mountain gorilla was only discovered in 1902, They live in high elevations and are covered with very dense, thick, black fur. A typical group is led by the biggest and strongest mature male gorilla—often the guy doing any chest pounding or charging. Mountain gorillas are little bit larger in size than other gorillas species. Answer: Education is one of the main ways. An adult male has a weight of 195 kg (430 lb) while that of female is 100 kg (200 lb). The Cross River gorilla is the most uncommon type of gorilla with just approximately 300 wild creatures in Nigeria and Cameroon while the Western Lowland gorilla is the most populated among others ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 in number. Learn more amazing facts about these amazing creatures in this video from National Geographic Kids. Tobin, Declan. These gorillas are on the endangered animal list and were once thought to be near extinction. Sleeping in these cold mountains doesn't require a sleeping bag or parka for the mountain gorilla. Learning & Fun. Lowland gorillas live in central Africa. They are also the largest animals of the group called primates , which also includes the other apes, humans, and monkeys . Recent conservation efforts have improved their chance for survival. You can read a story about a young mountain gorilla in our book: Tales From The Brink: Endangered Animal Stories; Characteristics Of Primates. Some gorillas in captivity have learned to use sign language to communicate with humans. Unfortunately, they are not strong breeders, which makes it hard … Poachers kill them for their meat. It will weigh between 400 and 600lb, usually around 450 lb. Mountain gorillas spend much of their time eating. Here are five facts that you should know about mountain gorillas; 1. Chimpanzees and gorillas developed the ability to walk on all four legs and make use of their knuckles to carry the weight of their torso and head. Scientists say there are currently 1,000 mountain gorillas living in the African forests, double the number that lived there just 20 years ago. 8- Nesting; Gorillas build nests on both trees and ground the nests are built out of leaves and branches. Gorillas live in small groups called troops or bands. Web.
mountain gorilla facts for kids 2021