most dangerous surgery reddit

They'll teach you far more about what you don't want from surgery than a good review. Perfect! Telegram. Just remember that it is not like it is on TV where you get a nose job and just emerge like a butterfly from a cocoon. This operation needs that the portion of skull eliminated to reach the brain and it is not replaced when the surgery is done, to get the recovered patients with the danger of brain damage following the surgery. Brain surgery is typically done by a neurosurgeon, and that of the hand is done by ortho/plastics. Despite the risks, most patients recover well and have few complications. I was an Army Officer at the time, but ended up with an Air Force Surgeon. The same body parts are being operated on. Surgeons suffer a harder time in service and must employ particular instruments as internal organs are usually hard to divide. I'm here to tell you what can. Was I the perfect standard of beauty? Email. Most of you aren't done growing into your faces. Patients whose ventricular utility is deteriorating too rapidly, are not recommended to have this operation as the dangers are too elevated. The desire to have a butt like Kim Kardasian is becoming a widespread desire among women of almost all ages. These precautions of researching recommendations, seeing many surgeons, etc. LOL. In some cases, the surgery may leave you feeling extremely uncomfortable only immediately after the surgery. 5. I used to think I was hideous and I regret it. Additionally, at the Sensible Survivalists, we encourage that preppers eat well and get plenty of exercise, to encourage fitness post-SHTF. One word of caution, avoid the flashy practices if possible. I'm not a Doctor. Risks are also associated with the type and duration of the anesthesia to be used. Yeah, Im a dude who had a really huge bump on his nose. Last, those you who need nose jobs probably also need jaw surgery. You deserve to have a face you can live with. How many surgeries did this guy go through? I am alone, and I'm sick too. He didn't want to do much. apply 100% to functional rhinoplasty as well. - Advertisement - Noses are the central focus of our faces, and lots of people have a lot of issues with how their noses look. For noses, those that are crooked, or flat and wide (that's me), or male rhinoplasty. After massive weight loss, skin hangs everywhere – the belly, the buttocks, the thighs, and the breasts. Chronic pain, major deformities, functional probpems, infections, lots of stuff can go very, very wrong and they can't fix you when that happens. 5) Before ANY surgery, use as much research as you can to learn about risks, and swelling, which--in the case of open rhinoplasty--is horrible and shocking to experience. And also remember they all have bad cases. In modern medicine, the term “surgery” is an operation performed to put an end to a disease or a pain by reforming body organs. There were 138,992 operations to remove a part of … The area of your upper and lower jaw hold many sensitive nerves and important blood vessels. Some of you are misconstruing this. I still am but years of telling myself that I'm not good enough have taken their toll. The Dr. was terrified of weakening the nose structures of Combat-Arms Soldiers (or Marines). "I was excited to get my German Schnauzer upgraded. Couldn't resist. You asked us, so here is our article about celebrity plastic surgery disasters gone wrong with before after photos. You can reduce the risk with a well-reviewed, well-accredited surgeon with hospital affiliations. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I feel physically ill in the presence of humans and imagining their perspective when they look at me. I hope none of you can relate to this, but when the mortar rounds catch you by surprise, you fall as fast as gravity can get you Mother Earth. They all say the same: “it’s complicated, and it depends”. Go for a specialist in the procedure of your choice, someone with experience working on faces (or noses) like yours. An open heart surgery, or any form of surgery which requires the chest to be cut open is a major form of surgery with various risks associated with it. To add to your post, most people truly aren't ugly. I had my first surgery at 18, I had the last at 25 when my nose collapsed, and now, at 28, I have a collapsed nose and am a mouth breather. You are permanently changing your body and deserve to know hear from a patient about how to think about this, and some of the risks. They'll buy basic medical supplies, maybe learn some basic first aid and buy a survival first aid kit. I'd say don't get purely cosmetic nose surgery until you're well into your 20s. A 40 mph wreck might do the trick. If you've seen more than 2 war movies, you can dream up 1,000 such scenarios where a weakened nose makes you a liability to your own men. for unrecommended reviews), rate mds, and so on. Look in forums for your procedure of choice to talk to patients, and look for reviews of your potential surgeon on Yelp (esp. As a culture we laugh at cosmetic surgery patients because they're just vain and we think they get what they deserve when a hump reduction leaves them grossly crooked, or nasal tip shortening leaves someone unable to breath and with visible nostrils like the woman in the link. Just understand that I could find no error or embellishment in this lady's post, and I've had the same two surgeries. It is good to hear another perspective. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Before Caesar, there was Fred. If anything I think people are more inclined to get "functional" rhinoplasty because it's something they aren't ashamed of. In reality, they are consistently ranked as either the third or second most dangerous plastic surgery procedures. I vote for clipping a cerebral aneurysm before it blows. This surgical operation is performed to decrease the congealing of the heart muscles, which is a symptom of patients diagnosed with superior stages of a multifaceted sort of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I had surgery done when I was 19 after I got a job and saved up for it. This is a medical procedure, and the changes in shape that may occur when (for rhino) your septum or nasal cartilage/bones are altered might be something you strongly dislike, especially when a tip is reoriented. 3) acquaint yourself with it: learn what a rhinoplasty (or genioplasty, whatever) is before you get it done. Apparently, once the nose collapses, it is difficult (perhaps medically impossible in cases), to return you to something that looks Human. Or drink too much "liquid courage" at a bar and some kid pops you for flirting with his girl. Instead of looking for a better job, or joining a gym, or developing a hobby, by the end of a work day, I want to collapse, and most of the day, I am gasping for air, trying to hold my nose open and straight. Realize first of all that you risk coming out with something so, so much worse. It can and does happen. It is very risky as the patient is placed on the heart-lung machine. There is a danger for urine leakage from the bladder opening location. What you assumed is correct, it's a 6-year system. Paula Bronstein/Getty Images. But I did look better to some extent...eventually. That woman eventually needing her rib cartilage harvested to create a normal looking nose again. They're human and make mistakes. But I was unique and beautiful in my own way. 388 votes, 968 comments. For rhinoplasty, that includes--nasal valve collapse after a second rhinoplasty (I have it, can't breath, nose is unsupported on my bony framework, cartilage collapsed, because the two surgeons over the course of ten years, had moved or resutured everything and in revision the incompetent asshole I went to made things worse), a wider tip or nose due to an incompetent surgeon resecting too much of your bones, saddle nose, an over-shortened or "rotated" tip that looks too feminine for you, a pinched nasal tip, an overprojected nasal tip, inverted v deformity (the upper bridge caves in and the upper lateral cartilage collapse, creating a bony-looking upside-down v)...not to mention, pain. Thank you for your reply. Great post. Some surgeries, though, are more painful than others. Most people don't understand plastic surgeons aren't like other doctors but in the end since they permanently change bodies....even the smallest mistake has severe consequences for someone's life and health. Go for someone that appreciates at the end of the day it is a priority to make what you already have better without compromising the integrity of you nose. It doesn't mean you shouldn't get surgery for beauty or function. It's not to say they don't care about your well being but you are the one whose body will be changed. And finally...have realistic expectations. In case you missed today’s show, check out the video of Lisa’s incredible journey. If I had a desk job, he would be less concerned. The most burdensome emergency surgery in the U.S. was surgery to remove a part of the large intestine. Once you get to your early 20s, you'll realize that everyone else has flaws too and your minor imperfection is nothing. Any "Ground Pounders" in here tonight? Breathing must be strongly checked before, throughout and after the surgery, as patients are more expected to be exposed to an advanced risk of increasing of pneumonia. The surgeon described there is like MANY, MANY plastic surgeons out there in terms of attitude towards patients. It has become a usual term to use, as millions of surgeries are performed daily. WhatsApp. Spinal Osteomyelitis Surgery Spinal osteomyelitis surgery is a very rare procedure because most cases of spinal infections can be cured with optimal antibiotics. That's just stuff you may not know until it's too late. I have a normal looking nose--it's unnattractive, a flat wide "ethnic nose" with visible lines where my nasal cartilage has collapsed but it's not noticeable to the naked eye. Just the rules of noses. Celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong is a disaster for people who make their living in the limelight. But circumstances differ. This is where a portion of the skull is removed to access the brain for surgery, and that piece of skull is never replaced. But if you are looking for a bottom line, there is one. Although monkeys aren't technically apes, a troop of marauding baboons in South Africa undoubtedly gave humans nightmares about a Planet of the Apes-style uprising. The risk involved in elective surgery is not worth the reward in many cases, so work on the inside, because in the end that is who you really are. Topping the list is brain surgery that involves a craniectomy. Check out the 26 worst celebrity plastic surgery results. And it takes a toll on the body–especially as you get older. It's really not that hard. 29.4m members in the AskReddit community. It was a bad rhinoplasty. 2) go for someone board certified with years of experience on the procedure you seek him/her out for and great reviews that sound written by real people who describe stuff like pain and aftercare of your desired procedure. I'm happy to provide advice by pm if interested. There are a lot of teens that will go through with septoplasties and are surprised when a surgeon throws in a "tip reduction" or alters a nose because they decide to, without verbally or contractually clearing it with a patient. No. Only body lifts are always ranked above them! The main risks for this operation are the maximum for an illness of the intestine that can cause the inflammation of the covering coating the abdomen. (It's the long review on yelp, you'll see the one). Believe it or not, an unaesthetic nose would be considered a good outcome by many surgeons. I got a rhinoplasty thinking like you. What's the most dangerous monkey? I wrote you specifically a message for a reason because if you actually believe what you specifically say about is going to be a disaster for you. Here is an example of a horror story. Original connections are done via arteries or vein grafts from other parts of the patient’s body. Write down what a surgeon says in a consult, ask questions about his proposed solutions and the risks, and then check the information they give you and their recommended techniques against the internet and reviews from their own patients. You're a poor candidate for it. He's an artist"--are bullshit that may be written by family or staff of the surgeon.). My septum is very deviated. When it comes to survival medical health, most preppers focus on the basics. Realself is a good resource for surgeons near you but only to a point. Upgrading in techniques has been done and the hospital readmission rate for a SVR is merely 8.8%. There are other risks like loss in the vision, mobility and memory. It can affect your breathing too. Brain aneurysm surgery is not dangerous. There are very good and detailed answers already. Here's a look at the 10 most dangerous jobs in America, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most dangerous surgeries are anything in which the surgeon is trying to catch up: Major trauma, disections, ruptures aneurysms, etc. Know exactly what will happen to you and get it in writing (osteotomies, skin defatting, etc) and also talk about it with the surgeon and write it down. Plastic surgery at first thought might seem like an easy, quick way to drastically change your appearance. It is noticeable to me in appearance and function because I have pinhole airways now. Never Surrender, and Refuse to be Average! Yet, some surgeries are deemed to be so dangerous in performing them and they may lead to a worse case or to death. Lisa’s journey was chronicled by the show. And it should be at a time of your lives when you're sure you need it, because even good surgery has risks, is costly, and--frankly--can be painful, especially during recovery. Brain aneurysm repair refers to the surgical procedure associated with the correction of aneurysm problem. ReddIt. For clearly minor acute MSK strain I personally have found they also do a pretty good job. My experience is that in high school, (a) everyone is totally self-conscious about their appearance and will over-estimate any slight imperfection in their nose, and (b) others around you can be very insensitive - one hurtful comment can make you paranoid for several years. It is known as coronary artery bypass grafting as it is an operation redirects the blood around one or more blocked coronary arteries to develop blood flow to the heart. That said, here are some of the medical procedures that experts still identify as highly dangerous. His entire operating field is perhaps one cubic inch. I had a bump, not too bad, but they might as well turn me into Brad Pitt if they can.". Bladder Cystectomy I'm glad I stopped by tonight. However, it wasn't for cosmetics. Surgery gives me the hope of a normal life. While most of this time, this is just kids having fun, many young people believe that if they could just change one little thing about themselves, they would "not be ugly" any longer. & bigger guns. Also, if you dramatically straighten the side, the front will look flatter. Mid-romp heart attacks are four times more deadly than those suffered during less intimate physical activity. He does not say where in my nose he used it, only that he did.). That doesn't even cover surgeons that use graft materials to add/augment a nose or how your nose will look if bones widen when a hump is removed, too much is rasped off, too much cartilage is taken out, and later when you get a revision, tip cartilages are sutured together to make it look "piggy". The same precautions about a procedure that might permanently change their bone/cartilage structure and make things worse apply. Is a Biological Psychiatrist Right for Me? All the top guys have similar plans, there's one body of knowledge they all prsctice. I was Field Artillery, but always a Forward Observer, thus essentially Infantry with I.Q. When it healed, I went back for a Rino and got a Naval Surgeon. This indicates a weak area of human brain’s blood vessel wall and it cause the vessel to balloon or bulge out and may cause rupture or burst. The bad reviews were the legitimate ones and I discounted descriptions not only of bad outcomes, but sloppiness, and cruelty towards patients they hurt. Without doubt, one of the most common types of cosmetic plastic surgery after breast augmentation is Rhinoplasty, or as is commonly known – a nose job. But I'm not telling you not to get surgery, y'know? But every patient deserves a functional, well-breathing nose they're comfortable with, and a lot aren't as lucky as you. I think for GIRLS considering rhinoplasty- Hey, do your research and see where it leads you. After the first surgeon put nasal filler in my nose without telling me, he would not fix it when it became crooked and my septum shifted. don't rely on your parents to do the picking for you and go for the cheapest surgeon. Both of mine were board-certified, with more bad reviews and a few distinct good reviews. In other cases, the discomfort lasts for several weeks or longer as you recover. This was very well written and I appreciate the time you took to provide it in this forum. I had a bump, not too bad, but they might as well turn me into Brad Pitt if they can. I thought I was depressed and lonely before. With repeated trauma is gets weaker, and with each surgery...successive physicians have to take into account that stuff has moved. Even the best surgeons cannot control all the factors of how a surgery turns out. Here is what I wish I had googled before my own surgery: (technique my surgeon used) risk rhinoplasty. At 18, that is what I thought. An adjoined twin separation will in all probability needs every specialties of surgery to exsit in the same room of surgery. (Note: a surgeon is NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT, but I had no proof then, and none now. The risk involved in elective surgery is not worth the reward in many cases, so work on the inside, because in the end that is who you really are. Among other countries, the jaw surgery has gained a bad name and with a pretty good reason. Vascular surgery can have very elegant answers to complex problems. I think the moral of this story is finding a good surgeon. Indeed, this surgery can take from 3 to 6 hours, and the recovery period needs an accommodation in the Intensive Care Unit. I have not looked up your nose with a flashlight. That sounds quite exciting and I'm really interested in that now. I think cosmetic surgery is a good thing if it goes well and if a person's face is done growing. This celebrity-driven procedure, called the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), has skyrocketed both in popularity and in notoriety as the most dangerous operation in cosmetic surgery. You're altering bone matter and the structures that allow you to breath. Most of your nasal cavity is something a patient and not even a doctor cannot see with the naked eye. In the last 5 years, the number of … This surgery is done to cure congestive heart failure due to a heart attack to develop its function by getting it to its regular size and shape. Surgical Ventricular RestorationThis surgery is done to cure congestive heart failure due to a heart … The good reviews were fake, and the first surgeon who worked on me I trusted because he knew me as a kid. Anyway, sorry OP, I feel your pain, and great post. I had the Septoplasty & Rino Septoplasty. Unfortunately many people don't know what that is and just go to the first surgeon their parents bring them to, then go back to that person when they need a revision. Urgent treatment is needed and this often leads to the surgeon eliminating the area of broken down aorta and reconstructing the blood vessel with an artificial fix. If you go through with surgery--the pre-college nose job (mine was)--find someone you trust with reviews from patients that say, "This person cares about his work" or "This person cares about and is cooperative with patients", something along those lines. Watch a youtube of open or closed rhinoplasty for example. Your upper lateral cartilages are under that "hump". I sympathize so much. He lied in my operative notes so that I could not ask another doctor for help. Of course it can be worse than dying alone. It might be silly to write it here, but I assume every single person that says, "I hate my nose" is thinking about surgery or considered it. I can be returned to something "human looking" if the bridge that was weakened is built up again. 4) Have an ENT that is NOT your surgeon and figure out if you have a deviated septum before any surgery. That's an inherent risk with surgery. Also you'll find that most others could care less what your nose looks like. This procedure is quite delicate because of the important blood vessels lying just below the mandible. DON'T GET GREEDY WITH YOUR BEAUTY AND END UP THE BEAST. 10 Most Common Anti-Psychiatry Myths and The Truth, 10 Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey in 2021, 3 Common Health Issues that You Need to be Addressed Immediately, Top 10 Highly Developed Countries in the World, Top 10 Online Shopping Sites in the World, Top 10 Most Polluted Countries in the World, Top 10 Best Fashion Photographers in the World, Top 10 Watch Brands for Women in The World, Top 10 Most Expensive Laptops in The World. I used to be depressed and couldn't look in a mirror, now I can't look in a mirror and have difficulty getting through the day thanks to constant migraines and inability to breath through my nose or speak without feeling like my nostrils close. So many patients I've talked to were set down this path by one horrific septo/turbinoplasty. I was wrong. This article includes the top ten dangerous and difficult surgeries. Surgery is the most invasive and riskiest of all therapies. Half of you that want surgery do not realize it is NOT minor tweaking and need to realize what you have is great or at least better than what bad surgery will leave you with. There's a lot patients just don't know and cannot know until it's too late. The first wouldn't even give me information about what he put in my body, and the second is fucking incompetent. You will be swollen after any major surgery for at least three months. Case in point: there are too many patients that have a hump altered. I hope this is a helpful opinion/data-point in your decision. Look for BAD reviews too. Illnesses of the spine are very destructive, and any surgical operations performed on this region lead to risks, as full or partial paralysis. For anyone requiring surgery from spondylolysis or even spondylolisthesis do not let your patient go to a chiropractor first. ); read reviews; and find a specialist in your procedure of choice, someone that does at least 100-200 of them per year. (My nose was a 7 on the scale of botched noses, where 10 is Michael Jackson, as my doctor put it). And there you'll see examples of fake reviews of which OP speaks too. It can be the worst mistake of your life and you all deserve to be happy adults with healthy noses, chins, whatever, so hear it from someone that got a nose job as a teenager and knows what sort of awful stuff can happen. Post your picture here and have fellow Redditors tell you what they think about your appearance! Sex is a great way to get the pulses racing — but don’t get too carried away. This is a difficult operation as it needs the patient to be put on cardiopulminary bypass, so that the surgeon can perform on a motionless heart. A low self esteem can really hurt somebody. If my nasal "hump" was small enough that it wasn't noticeable looking at me from the front, I don't think I'd let a surgeon rasp or break it at all. Top 10 Most Difficult And Dangerous Surgeries, 5 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Your Significant Other, Top 10 Benefits of Integrative Psychiatry and Why Some May Need It, 7 Tips to Find the Best Psychiatrist Online, Top Group Psychotherapy Benefits and Activity Ideas. These patients also suffer an increased risk for difficulties with anesthesia, as it is often complicated to put in the tube inside their airways. I didn't notice anything different. I have to live with going to both of these people. If not done properly, jaw surgery can lead to complications like bleeding, decreased blood supply, teeth damage, infection, and jaw joint problems. This operation is performed to eliminate a part of, or the whole urinary bladder, with patients identified with bladder cancer. A "good" surgery is one where you get 80% of what you want and can breath as well or better than you did before. Such risks depend on the type of surgery the patient has to undergo along with his general health condition. It can't be worse than dying alone. Surgeons lie and say one week, one's a lie. Some diseases are tricky to the extent that the patients need a surgery. This is a key surgery that is very risky due to the rebuilding of the region between the stomach and the vigorous piece of the esophagus. There are many of treatments that patients can experience prior having this surgery to correct this spinal infection. I was excited to get my German Schnauzer upgraded. But the most dangerous facial reconstruction surgery is jaw surgery. 2: Liposuction All surgeries involve a degree of discomfort and, in many cases, pain. Other than the pain, all went well. The two are connected. You dont want to backseat drive surgery and flashy practices usually let you do thst, you dont understand the issues and you dont appreciate the risks. Risks are available as seepage of the fluid from the stomach or esophagus when the new bond was made. Be aware a nasal surgery can change your voice (so warned). There is a recovery process, swelling that needs to go down over a period of years, etc. Her nasal cartilages were rotated in open rhinoplasty and her nostrils narrowed by an incompetent surgeon who left her deformed and then would not fix her. Honestly, id tell me surgeon not to wake me up if he fucked up except then he wouldn't operate on me. I needed more room. 31.0m members in the AskReddit community. Aortic dissection is a tear in the deepest layer of the heart that can cause many hazardous complications such as heart failure or even a crack of the aorta, to let the repair fundamental to the survival of the patient. Because once you get a nose job, if that is not addressed, you will not be able to breath through your nose. No. Did I emerge looking a million times better? Learn about it, and when you consult a surgeon with board certified, find out every single thing he will do during the procedure, aftercare treatment to prevent infection or bad outcome, and if he has a revision policy. There are, however, many things you should consider before opting for surgery — the first being how potentially dangerous certain procedures are. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The organization says one in 3,000 patients die as a result from having the surgery. I'm writing this because I know at least some of you are posting to confirm that you "need" surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons say the Brazilian butt lift is the most dangerous form of plastic surgery. While most of this time, this is just kids having fun, many young people believe that if they could just change one little thing about themselves, they would "not be ugly" any longer. It's an extreme example--but it can happen. 6) Even the best surgeon can't know how something will turn out entirely because what looks "normal" during surgery can become infected or shift after. This is sort of how a lot of patients think of it--"what could go wrong"? You're at greater risk for sleep apnea so be proactive with sleep studies as you age (risks go up with age and weight gain too). And it took a CAT scan to confirm I have a septum flattered against the side of my nose now. It almost certainly represents the most varied set of specialties needed to do a flourishing operation. 1.5k votes, 364 comments. Find a surgeon who is Board certified, a member of a the professional association, sub-specialises in that type of surgery, and can show you photos of previous patients. The most common workplace deaths were related to transportation A craniectomy is a very dangerous operation done in the brain. for GUYS considering rhinoplasty- look at your chin and jaw first, identify if you need orthodontic help, because I think those are more meaningful issues to fix than a nose. This is something patients don't realize--you cannot look into a nose with a flashlight to see how it functions.
most dangerous surgery reddit 2021